Chapel on the Hill by Raul Speek

Chapel on the Hill by Raul Speek

Lockdown life at Raul Speek Gallery: new art, music, and more

As the Covid-19 lockdown continues, we look forward to welcoming our visitors back to our gallery in the pretty harbour village of Solva, in Pembrokeshire, Wales. We’re now preparing to reopen our doors on Friday 21 May.

Meanwhile, Raul has been keeping himself busy with his art, music, and other projects.

He’s been working on a textured painting called Hidden, which features a woman wearing a yashmak, a veil that conceals all her face except her piercing blue eyes. The veil is worn by some Muslim women in public, and in Raul’s painting, the gold-coloured yashmak shimmers beautifully.

Raul’s recent artwork has also included a painting of a jay, and he’s pictured below working on the piece.

Like us, you’ve probably become more appreciative of nature through the coronavirus pandemic. We’re enjoying watching the birds in our garden and spotting them on our walks, and this painting reflects Raul’s love of wildlife.

Hidden by Raul Speek

Hidden by Raul Speek

Raul working on his painting of a jay in his studio in Solva

A member of the crow family, the jay stands out from its relatives because of its distinctive colours. But despite its eye-catching appearance, the jay is a shy woodland bird that rarely moves far from cover, so it’s always a treat to see one.

LEFT: Raul working on his painting of a jay in his studio in Solva (photograph by Heather Bennett)

Che Guevara

Here’s Raul bringing Che Guevara back to life in a recent artwork. The Argentinean-born, Cuban revolutionary leader, who died in 1967, is a figure that has always fascinated Raul.

Raul was born in Guantanamo, Cuba, in 1958, during the Cuban Revolution. He lived and trained as an artist in Cuba until the early 1990s, when he moved to London, before relocating to Pembrokeshire, where he’s lived ever since.

Raul has always been aware of the debt he owes to people like Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, for without them his life would have been very different. He owes them his education, and although his politics aren’t aligned with theirs, he’s never sought to deny his roots. His homage to Che’s iconic image is his thank you.

In July 2006, Raul was invited to the V&A in London to take part in a series of events alongside the museum’s Che Guevara: Revolutionary and Icon exhibition. He painted a large picture in the V&A’s garden and ran a workshop for children.

If you’d like your own picture of Che, browse Raul’s limited-edition prints, which are available to buy online.

Raul working on a painting of Che Guevara

Raul working on a painting of Che Guevara

Raul at his piano keyboard (photograph by Heather Bennett)

Raul at his piano keyboard (photograph by Heather Bennett)

New music and YouTube videos

These quiet days of lockdown have given Raul an opportunity to write new music.

Raul has also been filming reviews, as well as interviews with creative people from around the world including the Guantanamo writer Alex Schweg.

Subscribe to Raul’s YouTube channel to find out more.

Raul seated at the table where he films his talks and reviews (photograph by Heather Bennett)

Raul seated at the table where he films his talks and reviews (photograph by Heather Bennett)

Gilbert and George

Raul was excited to hear from his friends, the artists Gilbert & George. Raul got to know them in the early 1990s when he opened a studio in London’s Spitalfields Market, near where Gilbert & George live.

The duo have recently opened a new exhibition called ‘New Normal Pictures’ at the White Cube gallery in Mason’s Yard, London. The show runs until 1 May 2021, and can be viewed online.

Art for your home… or as a gift

Raul Speek’s colourful artwork is the perfect way to brighten up your home, or to give as a gift to an art fan in your family or among your friends. Browse our online shop to see our varied collection of paintings, prints, sculptures, cards, and books. Plus, we also sell gift vouchers.

And if you want to see more of Raul’s work, follow him on Instagram @raulspeekgallery or visit our Facebook page @RaulSpeekGallerySolva

El Silencio by Raul Speek

El Silencio by Raul Speek